Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Heartprint in your Will.

When you leave a bequest to Heartprint in your Will, your gift will directly help fund community projects to support families living in need. Bequests allow us to continue our lifesaving work, breaking child abandonment practices, supporting the relief of poverty, and helping people obtain education.


We appreciate your loved ones should always come first, and believe it is important to talk with them about making any decisions regarding your Will. Of course, we are ever grateful when people do decide to include a gift to Heartprint in their Will.

  • Make or update your Will
    Heartprint always recommends using a solicitor to make sure your Will is legal and valid. Your solicitor can advise you on the different ways of leaving a gift.

    Your gift can be a percentage of your Estate or a specific sum of money or other assets.

  • Decide on your gift
    There are four main types of gifts you can leave in your Will. Please discuss with your solicitor the type of gift that will best suit you and your Estate. Below we have added a list of wording your solicitor may need to include Heartprint into your will.



This is one of the most common ways to leave a charitable gift, A residual gift is what’s left of your Estate after leaving gifts to your loved ones and paying out any financial commitments.

Preferred wording
I leave to Heartprint Ltd. (ABN: 70 609 238 351), the sum of (proportion of residue to be completed) of my estate for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Specific or Pecuniary

Another common way to leave a charitable gift, a pecuniary or specific gift clearly specifies the donation. It can be money, property, stocks and/or shares.

Preferred wording
I leave to Heartprint Ltd. (ABN: 70 609 238 351), (description of item) absolutely for the general purposes of the said charity and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Whole Estate

This comprises your entire Estate and is usually left by those without family or other preferred beneficiaries, or those wanting to achieve something very significant with their gift.

Preferred wording
I leave to Heartprint Ltd. (ABN: 70 609 238 351), the whole of my estate absolutely for the general purposes of the said charity and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Percentage or Fraction

This is a gift expressed as a percentage or fraction of your Estate. Dividing your Estate by a percentage or fraction takes into account the changing value of your Estate which can occur due to factors such as inflation, property fluctuations and changes to the composition of your Estate over time.

Preferred wording
I leave to Heartprint Ltd. (ABN: 70 609 238 351), (percentage to be gifted) of my estate absolutely for the general purposes of the said charity and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.


We understand the significance of entrusting us with a special gift in your Will. In return, we want to make the following promises: 

1. We respect that writing or revising your Will is a significant decision that may take time. You have the freedom to decide when to do so. 

2. We recognize that you may change your mind. Circumstances change, and it is your right to reconsider your decision at any time. 

3. We are committed to always honoring and respecting your privacy. You have full control over when and how to communicate with us. 

4. We will handle your bequest with the utmost care, sensitivity, and respect, ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled. 

5. We will remain accountable, open, and transparent, keeping our community updated with the latest news. 

6. We are grateful for the enduring support you provide, which helps us leave a lasting impact.