The Heartprint Heart of Gold Club is a collective of like-minded people all making a contribution to ensure Heartprint continues to operate. Each member donates on a monthly or yearly basis and collectively the group help to not only sponsor our projects including our Community Centre and Community Builds they ensure our Heartprint community has access to all the things every human deserves.
Why we need you:
At Heartprint we allow donors to choose what area they would like their donation to be used, which often leaves us short in some areas, and as most people do not choose to donate to running costs it often leaves us with no choice but to fundraise ourselves. Often these fundraisers aren't as successful as say raising funds for a house or bikes but without these resources, we simply wouldn't exist.
What are you supporting?
The Heartprint Community Centre
Community House builds.
Sanitation program; building toilets and wells.
Baby Baskets and pre and post natal education
Hygiene supplies and education
Education support within our community centre.
University sponsorships.
Care package distribution; including clothing, rice and food staples
School Uniforms
As a club member you are entitled to:
Your name placed on a heart at The Heartprint Community Centre.
An Invitation to our private Heart of Gold Club Facebook group.
Regular updates through our Facebook group.
The satisfaction of being an ongoing contributor to the lives of the less fortunate in Cambodia.